
Utterance-wise operations

delta(x, window) Returns delta features given a static features and a window.
apply_delta_windows(x, windows) Apply delta windows and combine them.
trim_zeros_frames(x[, eps]) Remove trailling zeros frames.
remove_zeros_frames(x[, eps]) Remove zeros frames.
adjast_frame_length(x, y[, pad, ensure_even]) Adjast frame lengths given two feature matrices.
scale(x, data_mean, data_std) Mean/variance scaling.
minmax_scale(x, data_min, data_max[, …]) Min/max scaling for given a single data.

Dataset-wise operations

meanvar(dataset[, lengths]) Mean/variance computation given a iterable dataset
meanstd(dataset[, lengths]) Mean/std-deviation computation given a iterable dataset
minmax(dataset[, lengths]) Min/max computation given a iterable dataset


Part of files were taken from CMU ARCTIC dataset. Example quetsion file was taken from Merlin.

example_label_file() Get path of example HTS-style full-context lable file.
example_audio_file() Get path of audio file.
example_question_file() Get path of example question file.
example_file_data_sources_for_duration_model() Get file data sources for duration model training
example_file_data_sources_for_acoustic_model() Get file data sources for acoustic model training