Source code for pysinsy

import pkg_resources

from .sinsy import Sinsy
from .version import __version__  # noqa

DEFAULT_DIC_DIR = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "_dic")

DEFAULT_HTS_VOICE = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
    __name__, "htsvoice/nitech_jp_song070_f001.htsvoice"

# Global instance of sinsy
_global_sinsy = None

[docs]def get_default_dic_dir(): """Returns default dictionary directory Returns: str: dictionary path """ return DEFAULT_DIC_DIR
[docs]def get_default_htsvoice(): """Returns default hts voice Returns: str: hts voice path """ return DEFAULT_HTS_VOICE
def _lazy_init(): global _global_sinsy _global_sinsy = Sinsy() _global_sinsy.setLanguages("j", get_default_dic_dir()) _global_sinsy.loadVoices(get_default_htsvoice())
[docs]def synthesize(musicxml_path: str): """Synthesize waveform given muxic XML file Args: str: music XML path Returns: tuple: tuple of wav array of type float64 and sampling frequency Raises: RuntimeError: if fail to synthesize """ global _global_sinsy if _global_sinsy is None: _lazy_init() _global_sinsy.loadScoreFromMusicXML(musicxml_path) wav, sr = _global_sinsy.synthesize() _global_sinsy.clearScore() return wav, sr
[docs]def extract_fullcontext(xml: str) -> list: """Extract full-context labels from music XML file Args: xml (str): Path to musicxml file. Returns: list: list of full contexts """ global _global_sinsy if _global_sinsy is None: _lazy_init() _global_sinsy.loadScoreFromMusicXML(xml) labels = _global_sinsy.createLabelData(False, 1, 1).getData() _global_sinsy.clearScore() return labels