Source code for nnmnkwii.metrics

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, with_statement

import math

import numpy as np

_logdb_const = 10.0 / np.log(10.0) * np.sqrt(2.0)

# should work on torch and numpy arrays
def _sqrt(x):
    isnumpy = isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
    isscalar = np.isscalar(x)
    return np.sqrt(x) if isnumpy else math.sqrt(x) if isscalar else x.sqrt()

def _exp(x):
    isnumpy = isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
    isscalar = np.isscalar(x)
    return np.exp(x) if isnumpy else math.exp(x) if isscalar else x.exp()

def _sum(x):
    if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        return np.sum(x)
    return float(x.sum())

[docs]def melcd(X, Y, lengths=None): """Mel-cepstrum distortion (MCD). The function computes MCD for time-aligned mel-cepstrum sequences. Args: X (ndarray): Input mel-cepstrum, shape can be either of (``D``,), (``T x D``) or (``B x T x D``). Both Numpy and torch arrays are supported. Y (ndarray): Target mel-cepstrum, shape can be either of (``D``,), (``T x D``) or (``B x T x D``). Both Numpy and torch arrays are supported. lengths (list): Lengths of padded inputs. This should only be specified if you give mini-batch inputs. Returns: float: Mean mel-cepstrum distortion in dB. .. note:: The function doesn't check if inputs are actually mel-cepstrum. """ # summing against feature axis, and then take mean against time axis # Eq. (1a) # if lengths is None: z = X - Y r = _sqrt((z * z).sum(-1)) if not np.isscalar(r): r = r.mean() return _logdb_const * float(r) # Case for 1-dim features. if len(X.shape) == 2: # Add feature axis X, Y = X[:, :, None], Y[:, :, None] s = 0.0 T = _sum(lengths) for x, y, length in zip(X, Y, lengths): x, y = x[:length], y[:length] z = x - y s += _sqrt((z * z).sum(-1)).sum() return _logdb_const * float(s) / float(T)
[docs]def mean_squared_error(X, Y, lengths=None): """Mean squared error (MSE). Args: X (ndarray): Input features, shape can be either of (``D``,), (``T x D``) or (``B x T x D``). Both Numpy and torch arrays are supported. Y (ndarray): Target features, shape can be either of (``D``,), (``T x D``) or (``B x T x D``). Both Numpy and torch arrays are supported. lengths (list): Lengths of padded inputs. This should only be specified if you give mini-batch inputs. Returns: float: Mean squared error. .. tip:: The function supports 3D padded inputs, while :func:`sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error` doesn't support. """ if lengths is None: z = X - Y return math.sqrt(float((z * z).mean())) T = _sum(lengths) * X.shape[-1] s = 0.0 for x, y, length in zip(X, Y, lengths): x, y = x[:length], y[:length] z = x - y s += (z * z).sum() return math.sqrt(float(s) / float(T))
[docs]def lf0_mean_squared_error( src_f0, src_vuv, tgt_f0, tgt_vuv, lengths=None, linear_domain=False ): """Mean squared error (MSE) for log-F0 sequences. MSE is computed for voiced segments. Args: src_f0 (ndarray): Input log-F0 sequences, shape can be either of (``T``,), (``B x T``) or (``B x T x 1``). Both Numpy and torch arrays are supported. src_vuv (ndarray): Input voiced/unvoiced flag array, shape can be either of (``T``, ), (``B x T``) or (``B x T x 1``). tgt_f0 (ndarray): Target log-F0 sequences, shape can be either of (``T``,), (``B x T``) or (``B x T x 1``). Both Numpy and torch arrays are supported. tgt_vuv (ndarray): Target voiced/unvoiced flag array, shape can be either of (``T``, ), (``B x T``) or (``B x T x 1``). lengths (list): Lengths of padded inputs. This should only be specified if you give mini-batch inputs. linear_domain (bool): Whether computes MSE on linear frequecy domain or log-frequency domain. Returns: float: mean squared error. """ if lengths is None: voiced_indices = (src_vuv + tgt_vuv) >= 2 x = src_f0[voiced_indices] y = tgt_f0[voiced_indices] if linear_domain: x, y = _exp(x), _exp(y) return mean_squared_error(x, y) T = 0 s = 0.0 for x, x_vuv, y, y_vuv, length in zip(src_f0, src_vuv, tgt_f0, tgt_vuv, lengths): x, x_vuv = x[:length], x_vuv[:length] y, y_vuv = y[:length], y_vuv[:length] voiced_indices = (x_vuv + y_vuv) >= 2 T += voiced_indices.sum() x, y = x[voiced_indices], y[voiced_indices] if linear_domain: x, y = _exp(x), _exp(y) z = x - y s += (z * z).sum() return math.sqrt(float(s) / float(T))
[docs]def vuv_error(src_vuv, tgt_vuv, lengths=None): """Voice/unvoiced error rate computation Args: src_vuv (ndarray): Input voiced/unvoiced flag array shape can be either of (``T``, ), (``B x T``) or (``B x T x 1``). tgt_vuv (ndarray): Target voiced/unvoiced flag array shape can be either of (``T``, ), (``B x T``) or (``B x T x 1``). lengths (list): Lengths of padded inputs. This should only be specified if you give mini-batch inputs. Returns: float: voiced/unvoiced error rate (0 ~ 1). """ if lengths is None: T = return float((src_vuv != tgt_vuv).sum()) / float(T) T = _sum(lengths) s = 0.0 for x, y, length in zip(src_vuv, tgt_vuv, lengths): x, y = x[:length], y[:length] s += (x != y).sum() return float(s) / float(T)