Source code for nnmnkwii.paramgen._mlpg

import numpy as np
from nnmnkwii.paramgen import _bandmat as bm
from nnmnkwii.paramgen._bandmat import linalg as bla
from nnmnkwii.util.linalg import cholesky_inv_banded
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded

from .mlpg_helper import full_window_mat as _full_window_mat

# Copied from the above link. Thanks to Matt shannon!

[docs]def build_win_mats(windows, T): r"""Builds a window matrix of a given size for each window in a collection. Args: windows(list): specifies the collection of windows as a sequence of ``(l, u, win_coeff)`` triples, where ``l`` and ``u`` are non-negative integers pecifying the left and right extents of the window and ``win_coeff`` is an array specifying the window coefficients. T (int): Number of frames. Returns: list: The returned value is a list of window matrices, one for each of the windows specified in ``windows``. Each window matrix is a ``T`` by ``T`` Toeplitz matrix with lower bandwidth ``l`` and upper bandwidth ``u``. The non-zero coefficients in each row of this Toeplitz matrix are given by ``win_coeff``. The returned window matrices are stored as BandMats, i.e. using a banded representation. Examples: >>> from nnmnkwii import paramgen as G >>> import numpy as np >>> windows = [ ... (0, 0, np.array([1.0])), # static ... (1, 1, np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5])), # delta ... (1, 1, np.array([1.0, -2.0, 1.0])), # delta-delta ... ] >>> win_mats = G.build_win_mats(windows, 3) """ win_mats = [] for ll, u, win_coeff in windows: assert ll >= 0 and u >= 0 assert len(win_coeff) == ll + u + 1 win_coeffs = np.tile(np.reshape(win_coeff, (ll + u + 1, 1)), T) win_mat = bm.band_c_bm(u, ll, win_coeffs).T win_mats.append(win_mat) return win_mats
def build_poe(b_frames, tau_frames, win_mats, sdw=None): r"""Computes natural parameters for a Gaussian product-of-experts model. The natural parameters (b-value vector and precision matrix) are returned. The returned precision matrix is stored as a BandMat. Mathematically the b-value vector is given as: b = \sum_d \transpose{W_d} \tilde{b}_d and the precision matrix is given as: P = \sum_d \transpose{W_d} \text{diag}(\tilde{tau}_d) W_d where $W_d$ is the window matrix for window $d$ as specified by an element of `win_mats`, $\tilde{b}_d$ is the sequence over time of b-value parameters for window $d$ as given by a column of `b_frames`, and $\tilde{\tau}_d$ is the sequence over time of precision parameters for window $d$ as given by a column of `tau_frames`. """ if sdw is None: sdw = max([win_mat.l + win_mat.u for win_mat in win_mats]) num_windows = len(win_mats) frames = len(b_frames) assert np.shape(b_frames) == (frames, num_windows) assert np.shape(tau_frames) == (frames, num_windows) assert all([win_mat.l + win_mat.u <= sdw for win_mat in win_mats]) b = np.zeros((frames,)) prec = bm.zeros(sdw, sdw, frames) for win_index, win_mat in enumerate(win_mats): bm.dot_mv_plus_equals(win_mat.T, b_frames[:, win_index], target=b) bm.dot_mm_plus_equals( win_mat.T, win_mat, target_bm=prec, diag=tau_frames[:, win_index] ) return b, prec
[docs]def mlpg(mean_frames, variance_frames, windows): r"""Maximum Parameter Likelihood Generation (MLPG) Function ``f: (T, D) -> (T, static_dim)``. It peforms Maximum Likelihood Parameter Generation (MLPG) algorithm to generate static features from static + dynamic features over time frames dimension-by-dimension. Let :math:`\mu` (``T x 1``) is the input mean sequence of a particular dimension and :math:`y` (``T x 1``) is the static feature sequence we want to compute, the formula of MLPG is written as: .. math:: y = A^{-1} b where .. math:: A = \sum_{l} W_{l}^{T}P_{l}W_{l} , .. math:: b = P\mu :math:`W_{l}` is the ``l``-th window matrix (``T x T``) and :math:`P` (``T x T``) is the precision matrix which is given by the inverse of variance matrix. The implementation was heavily inspired by [1]_ and using bandmat_ for efficient computation. .. _bandmat: .. [1] M. Shannon, supervised by W. Byrne (2014), Probabilistic acoustic modelling for parametric speech synthesis PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, UK Args: mean_frames (2darray): The input features (static + delta). In statistical speech synthesis, these are means of gaussian distributions predicted by neural networks or decision trees. variance_frames (2d or 1darray): Variances (static + delta ) of gaussian distributions over time frames (2d) or global variances (1d). If global variances are given, these will get expanded over frames. windows (list): A sequence of ``(l, u, win_coeff)`` triples, where ``l`` and ``u`` are non-negative integers specifying the left and right extents of the window and `win_coeff` is an array specifying the window coefficients. Returns: Generated static features over time Examples: >>> from nnmnkwii import paramgen as G >>> windows = [ ... (0, 0, np.array([1.0])), # static ... (1, 1, np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5])), # delta ... (1, 1, np.array([1.0, -2.0, 1.0])), # delta-delta ... ] >>> T, static_dim = 10, 24 >>> mean_frames = np.random.rand(T, static_dim * len(windows)) >>> variance_frames = np.random.rand(T, static_dim * len(windows)) >>> static_features = G.mlpg(mean_frames, variance_frames, windows) >>> assert static_features.shape == (T, static_dim) See also: :func:`nnmnkwii.autograd.mlpg` """ dtype = mean_frames.dtype T, D = mean_frames.shape # expand variances over frames if variance_frames.ndim == 1 and variance_frames.shape[0] == D: variance_frames = np.tile(variance_frames, (T, 1)) assert mean_frames.shape == variance_frames.shape static_dim = D // len(windows) num_windows = len(windows) win_mats = build_win_mats(windows, T) max_win_width = np.max([max(win_mat.l, win_mat.u) for win_mat in win_mats]) # workspaces; those will be updated in the following generation loop means = np.zeros((T, num_windows)) precisions = np.zeros((T, num_windows)) # Perform dimension-wise generation y = np.zeros((T, static_dim), dtype=dtype) for d in range(static_dim): for win_idx in range(num_windows): means[:, win_idx] = mean_frames[:, win_idx * static_dim + d] precisions[:, win_idx] = 1 / variance_frames[:, win_idx * static_dim + d] # use zero precisions at edge frames for dynamic features if win_idx != 0: precisions[:max_win_width, win_idx] = 0 precisions[-max_win_width:, win_idx] = 0 bs = precisions * means b, P = build_poe(bs, precisions, win_mats) y[:, d] = bla.solveh(P, b) return y
[docs]def mlpg_grad(mean_frames, variance_frames, windows, grad_output): r"""MLPG gradient computation Parameters are same as :func:`nnmnkwii.paramgen.mlpg` except for ``grad_output``. See the function docmenent for what the parameters mean. Let :math:`d` is the index of static features, :math:`l` is the index of windows, gradients :math:`g_{d,l}` can be computed by: .. math:: g_{d,l} = (\sum_{l} W_{l}^{T}P_{d,l}W_{l})^{-1} W_{l}^{T}P_{d,l} where :math:`W_{l}` is a banded window matrix and :math:`P_{d,l}` is a diagonal precision matrix. Assuming the variances are diagonals, MLPG can be performed in dimention-by-dimention efficiently. Let :math:`o_{d}` be ``T`` dimentional back-propagated gradients, the resulting gradients :math:`g'_{l,d}` to be propagated are computed as follows: .. math:: g'_{d,l} = o_{d}^{T} g_{d,l} Args: mean_frames (numpy.ndarray): Means. variance_frames (numpy.ndarray): Variances. windows (list): Windows. grad_output: Backpropagated output gradient, shape (``T x static_dim``) Returns: numpy.ndarray: Gradients to be back propagated, shape: (``T x D``) See also: :func:`nnmnkwii.autograd.mlpg`, :class:`nnmnkwii.autograd.MLPG` """ T, D = mean_frames.shape win_mats = build_win_mats(windows, T) static_dim = D // len(windows) max_win_width = np.max([max(win_mat.l, win_mat.u) for win_mat in win_mats]) grads = np.zeros((T, D), dtype=np.float32) for d in range(static_dim): sdw = max([win_mat.l + win_mat.u for win_mat in win_mats]) # R: \sum_{l} W_{l}^{T}P_{d,l}W_{l} R = bm.zeros(sdw, sdw, T) # overwritten in the loop # dtype = np.float64 for bandmat precisions = np.zeros((len(windows), T), dtype=np.float64) for win_idx, win_mat in enumerate(win_mats): precisions[win_idx] = 1 / variance_frames[:, win_idx * static_dim + d] # use zero precisions at edge frames for dynamic features if win_idx != 0: precisions[win_idx, :max_win_width] = 0 precisions[win_idx, -max_win_width:] = 0 bm.dot_mm_plus_equals( win_mat.T, win_mat, target_bm=R, diag=precisions[win_idx] ) for win_idx, win_mat in enumerate(win_mats): # r: W_{l}^{T}P_{d,l} r = bm.dot_mm(win_mat.T, bm.diag(precisions[win_idx])) # grad_{d, l} = R^{-1r} grad = solve_banded((R.l, R.u),, r.full()) assert grad.shape == (T, T) # Finally we get grad for a particular dimension grads[:, win_idx * static_dim + d] = grad_output[:, d] return grads
def full_window_mat(win_mats, T): """Given banded window matrices, compute cocatenated full window matrix. Args: win_mats (list): List of windows matrices given by :func:`build_win_mats`. T (int): Number of frames. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Cocatenated windows matrix (``T*num_windows x T``). """ return _full_window_mat(win_mats, T)
[docs]def unit_variance_mlpg_matrix(windows, T): r"""Compute MLPG matrix assuming input is normalized to have unit-variances. Let :math:`\mu` is the input mean sequence (``num_windows*T x static_dim``), :math:`W` is a window matrix ``(T x num_windows*T)``, assuming input is normalized to have unit-variances, MLPG can be written as follows: .. math:: y = R \mu where .. math:: R = (W^{T} W)^{-1} W^{T} Here we call :math:`R` as the MLPG matrix. Args: windows: (list): List of windows. T (int): Number of frames. Returns: numpy.ndarray: MLPG matrix (``T x nun_windows*T``). See also: :func:`nnmnkwii.autograd.UnitVarianceMLPG`, :func:`nnmnkwii.paramgen.mlpg`. Examples: >>> from nnmnkwii import paramgen as G >>> import numpy as np >>> windows = [ ... (0, 0, np.array([1.0])), ... (1, 1, np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5])), ... (1, 1, np.array([1.0, -2.0, 1.0])), ... ] >>> G.unit_variance_mlpg_matrix(windows, 3) array([[ 2.73835927e-01, 1.95121944e-01, 9.20177400e-02, 9.75609720e-02, -9.09090936e-02, -9.75609720e-02, -3.52549881e-01, -2.43902430e-02, 1.10864742e-02], [ 1.95121944e-01, 3.41463417e-01, 1.95121944e-01, 1.70731708e-01, -5.55111512e-17, -1.70731708e-01, -4.87804860e-02, -2.92682916e-01, -4.87804860e-02], [ 9.20177400e-02, 1.95121944e-01, 2.73835927e-01, 9.75609720e-02, 9.09090936e-02, -9.75609720e-02, 1.10864742e-02, -2.43902430e-02, -3.52549881e-01]], dtype=float32) """ win_mats = build_win_mats(windows, T) sdw = np.max([win_mat.l + win_mat.u for win_mat in win_mats]) max_win_width = np.max([max(win_mat.l, win_mat.u) for win_mat in win_mats]) P = bm.zeros(sdw, sdw, T) # set edge precitions to zero precisions = bm.zeros(0, 0, T)[:, max_win_width:-max_win_width] += 1.0 mod_win_mats = [] for win_index, win_mat in enumerate(win_mats): if win_index != 0: # use zero precisions for dynamic features mod_win_mat = bm.dot_mm(precisions, win_mat) bm.dot_mm_plus_equals(mod_win_mat.T, win_mat, target_bm=P) mod_win_mats.append(mod_win_mat) else: # static features bm.dot_mm_plus_equals(win_mat.T, win_mat, target_bm=P) mod_win_mats.append(win_mat) chol_bm = bla.cholesky(P, lower=True) Pinv = cholesky_inv_banded(chol_bm.full(), width=chol_bm.l + chol_bm.u + 1) cocatenated_window = full_window_mat(mod_win_mats, T) return
[docs]def reshape_means(means, static_dim): """Reshape means (``T x D``) to (``T*num_windows x static_dim``). Args: means (numpy.ndarray): Means num_windows (int): Number of windows. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Reshaped means (``T*num_windows x static_dim``). No-op if already reshaped. Examples: >>> from nnmnkwii import paramgen as G >>> import numpy as np >>> T, static_dim = 2, 2 >>> windows = [ ... (0, 0, np.array([1.0])), # static ... (1, 1, np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5])), # delta ... (1, 1, np.array([1.0, -2.0, 1.0])), # delta-delta ... ] >>> means = np.random.rand(T, static_dim * len(windows)) >>> reshaped_means = G.reshape_means(means, static_dim) >>> assert reshaped_means.shape == (T*len(windows), static_dim) """ T, D = means.shape if D == static_dim: # already reshaped case return means means = means.reshape(T, -1, static_dim).transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape(-1, static_dim) return means