Source code for ttslearn.tacotron.frontend.openjtalk

import re

# 音素 (+pau/sil)
phonemes = [

extra_symbols = [
    "^",  # 文の先頭を表す特殊記号 <SOS>
    "$",  # 文の末尾を表す特殊記号 <EOS> (通常)
    "?",  # 文の末尾を表す特殊記号 <EOS> (疑問系)
    "_",  # ポーズ
    "#",  # アクセント句境界
    "[",  # ピッチの上がり位置
    "]",  # ピッチの下がり位置

_pad = "~"

# NOTE: 0 をパディングを表す数値とする
symbols = [_pad] + extra_symbols + phonemes

_symbol_to_id = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(symbols)}
_id_to_symbol = {i: s for i, s in enumerate(symbols)}

def numeric_feature_by_regex(regex, s):
    match =, s)
    if match is None:
        return -50
    return int(

[docs]def pp_symbols(labels, drop_unvoiced_vowels=True): """Extract phoneme + prosoody symbol sequence from input full-context labels The algorithm is based on [Kurihara 2021] [1]_ with some tweaks. Args: labels (HTSLabelFile): List of labels drop_unvoiced_vowels (bool): Drop unvoiced vowels. Defaults to True. Returns: list: List of phoneme + prosody symbols .. ipython:: In [11]: import ttslearn In [12]: from import hts In [13]: from ttslearn.tacotron.frontend.openjtalk import pp_symbols In [14]: labels = hts.load(ttslearn.util.example_label_file()) In [15]: " ".join(pp_symbols(labels.contexts)) Out[15]: '^ m i [ z u o # m a [ r e ] e sh i a k a r a ... $' .. [1] K. Kurihara, N. Seiyama, and T. Kumano, “Prosodic features control by symbols as input of sequence-to-sequence acoustic modeling for neural tts,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E104.D, no. 2, pp. 302–311, 2021. """ PP = [] N = len(labels) # 各音素毎に順番に処理 for n in range(N): lab_curr = labels[n] # 当該音素 p3 ="\-(.*?)\+", lab_curr).group(1) # type: ignore # 無声化母音を通常の母音として扱う if drop_unvoiced_vowels and p3 in "AEIOU": p3 = p3.lower() # 先頭と末尾の sil のみ例外対応 if p3 == "sil": assert n == 0 or n == N - 1 if n == 0: PP.append("^") elif n == N - 1: # 疑問系かどうか e3 = numeric_feature_by_regex(r"!(\d+)_", lab_curr) if e3 == 0: PP.append("$") elif e3 == 1: PP.append("?") continue elif p3 == "pau": PP.append("_") continue else: PP.append(p3) # アクセント型および位置情報(前方または後方) a1 = numeric_feature_by_regex(r"/A:([0-9\-]+)\+", lab_curr) a2 = numeric_feature_by_regex(r"\+(\d+)\+", lab_curr) a3 = numeric_feature_by_regex(r"\+(\d+)/", lab_curr) # アクセント句におけるモーラ数 f1 = numeric_feature_by_regex(r"/F:(\d+)_", lab_curr) a2_next = numeric_feature_by_regex(r"\+(\d+)\+", labels[n + 1]) # アクセント句境界 if a3 == 1 and a2_next == 1 and p3 in "aeiouAEIOUNcl": PP.append("#") # ピッチの立ち下がり(アクセント核) elif a1 == 0 and a2_next == a2 + 1 and a2 != f1: PP.append("]") # ピッチの立ち上がり elif a2 == 1 and a2_next == 2: PP.append("[") return PP
[docs]def num_vocab(): """Get number of vocabraries Returns: int: Number of vocabraries Examples: >>> from ttslearn.tacotron.frontend.openjtalk import num_vocab >>> num_vocab() >>> 52 """ return len(symbols)
[docs]def text_to_sequence(text): """Convert phoneme + prosody symbols to sequence of numbers Args: text (list): text as a list of phoneme + prosody symbols Returns: list: List of numbers Examples: >>> from ttslearn.tacotron.frontend.openjtalk import text_to_sequence >>> text_to_sequence(["^", "m", "i", "[", "z","o", "$"]) >>> [1, 31, 27, 6, 49, 35, 2] """ return [_symbol_to_id[s] for s in text]
[docs]def sequence_to_text(seq): """Convert sequence of numbers to phoneme + prosody symbols Args: seq (list): Input sequence of numbers Returns: list: List of phoneme + prosody symbols Examples: >>> from ttslearn.tacotron.frontend.openjtalk import sequence_to_text >>> sequence_to_text([1, 31, 27, 6, 49, 35, 2]) >>> ['^', 'm', 'i', '[', 'z', 'o', '$'] """ return [_id_to_symbol[s] for s in seq]