Source code for ttslearn.util

# Acknowledgements:
# mask-related functions were adapted from

import importlib
import random
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
import torch

# see COPYING for the license of the audio file.
EXAMPLE_AUDIO = "_example_data/BASIC5000_0001.wav"
EXAMPLE_LABEL = "_example_data/BASIC5000_0001.lab"
EXAMPLE_MONO_LABEL = "_example_data/BASIC5000_0001_mono.lab"
EXAMPLE_QST = "_example_data/qst1.hed"

[docs]def init_seed(seed): """Initialize random seed. Args: seed (int): random seed """ random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)
[docs]def dynamic_import(name: str) -> Any: """Dynamic import Args: name (str): module_name + ":" + class_name Returns: Any: class object """ mod_name, class_name = name.split(":") mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) return getattr(mod, class_name)
[docs]def make_pad_mask(lengths, maxlen=None): """Make mask for padding frames Args: lengths (list): list of lengths maxlen (int, optional): maximum length. If None, use max value of lengths. Returns: torch.ByteTensor: mask """ if not isinstance(lengths, list): lengths = lengths.tolist() bs = int(len(lengths)) if maxlen is None: maxlen = int(max(lengths)) seq_range = torch.arange(0, maxlen, dtype=torch.int64) seq_range_expand = seq_range.unsqueeze(0).expand(bs, maxlen) seq_length_expand = mask = seq_range_expand >= seq_length_expand return mask
[docs]def make_non_pad_mask(lengths, maxlen=None): """Make mask for non-padding frames Args: lengths (list): list of lengths maxlen (int, optional): maximum length. If None, use max value of lengths. Returns: torch.ByteTensor: mask """ return ~make_pad_mask(lengths, maxlen)
[docs]def example_audio_file() -> str: """Get the path to an included audio example file. Examples -------- >>> from import wavfile >>> fs, x = >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.plot(x, label="cmu_us_awb_arctic arctic_a0007.wav") >>> plt.xlim(0, len(x)) >>> plt.legend() """ return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, EXAMPLE_AUDIO)
[docs]def example_label_file(mono=False): """Get the path to an included label file. Args: mono (bool, optional): If True, return monophonic label file. Default: False Returns: str: path to an example label file """ if mono: return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, EXAMPLE_MONO_LABEL) return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, EXAMPLE_LABEL)
[docs]def example_qst_file(): """Get the path to an included question set file. Returns: str: path to an example question file. """ return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, EXAMPLE_QST)
[docs]def pad_1d(x, max_len, constant_values=0): """Pad a 1d-tensor. Args: x (torch.Tensor): tensor to pad max_len (int): maximum length of the tensor constant_values (int, optional): value to pad with. Default: 0 Returns: torch.Tensor: padded tensor """ x = np.pad( x, (0, max_len - len(x)), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values, ) return x
[docs]def pad_2d(x, max_len, constant_values=0): """Pad a 2d-tensor. Args: x (torch.Tensor): tensor to pad max_len (int): maximum length of the tensor constant_values (int, optional): value to pad with. Default: 0 Returns: torch.Tensor: padded tensor """ x = np.pad( x, [(0, max_len - len(x)), (0, 0)], mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values, ) return x
[docs]def load_utt_list(utt_list): """Load a list of utterances. Args: utt_list (str): path to a file containing a list of utterances Returns: List[str]: list of utterances """ utt_ids = [] with open(utt_list) as f: for utt_id in f: utt_id = utt_id.strip() if len(utt_id) > 0: utt_ids.append(utt_id) return utt_ids
[docs]def trim_silence(feats, labels, start_sec=0.05, end_sec=0.1, shift_sec=0.005): """Trim silence from input features. Args: feats (np.ndarray): input features labels (np.ndarray): labels start_sec (float, optional): start time of the trim end_sec (float, optional): end time of the trim shift_sec (float, optional): shift of the trim Returns: np.ndarray: trimmed features """ assert "sil" in labels.contexts[0] and "sil" in labels.contexts[-1] start_frame = int(labels.start_times[1] / 50000) end_frame = int(labels.end_times[-2] / 50000) start_frame = max(0, start_frame - int(start_sec / shift_sec)) end_frame = min(len(feats), end_frame + int(end_sec / shift_sec)) feats = feats[start_frame:end_frame] return feats
[docs]def find_feats(directory, utt_id, typ="out_duration", ext="-feats.npy"): """Find features for a given utterance. Args: directory (str): directory to search utt_id (str): utterance id typ (str, optional): type of the feature. Default: "out_duration" ext (str, optional): extension of the feature. Default: "-feats.npy" Returns: str: path to the feature file """ if isinstance(directory, str): directory = Path(directory) ps = sorted(directory.rglob(f"**/{typ}/{utt_id}{ext}")) return ps[0]
[docs]def find_lab(directory, utt_id): """Find label for a given utterance. Args: directory (str): directory to search utt_id (str): utterance id Returns: str: path to the label file """ if isinstance(directory, str): directory = Path(directory) ps = sorted(directory.rglob(f"{utt_id}.lab")) assert len(ps) == 1 return ps[0]
[docs]def lab2phonemes(labels): """Convert labels to phonemes. Args: labels (str): path to a label file Returns: List[str]: phoneme sequence """ phonemes = [] for c in labels.contexts: if "-" in c: ph = c.split("-")[1].split("+")[0] else: ph = c phonemes.append(ph) return phonemes
[docs]def optional_tqdm(tqdm_mode, **kwargs): """Get a tqdm object. Args: tqdm_mode (str): tqdm mode **kwargs: keyword arguments for tqdm Returns: callable: tqdm object or an identity function """ if tqdm_mode == "tqdm": from tqdm import tqdm return partial(tqdm, **kwargs) elif tqdm_mode == "tqdm-notebook": from tqdm.notebook import tqdm return partial(tqdm, **kwargs) return lambda x: x
class StandardScaler: """sklearn.preprocess.StandardScaler like class with only transform functionality Args: mean (np.ndarray): mean std (np.ndarray): standard deviation """ def __init__(self, mean, var, scale): self.mean_ = mean self.var_ = var # NOTE: scale may not exactly same as np.sqrt(var) self.scale_ = scale def transform(self, x): return (x - self.mean_) / self.scale_ def inverse_transform(self, x): return x * self.scale_ + self.mean_